Responsibility | Jana | Natural mineral water



Sustainable development and resource management are matters of top priority in the production of Jana natural mineral water.

We protect the source and the surrounding area comprehensively and thoroughly in order to preserve it for the future generations.

The aim of the management systems is to preserve the entire ecosystem of the source area through which Jana reaches its spring.


The whole surrounding area is kept under strict control. In cooperation with the local community and regulatory agencies, we work on the protection of Jana’s source and the natural biodiversity of its location.

All business operations are carried out in a sustainable and efficient manner. In this way, we maintain the balance between social, economic and environmental interests.

We have set some ground rules regarding the protection of air, water, soil, waste and waste water. They are based on prevention, compliance with the legislation and an integrated approach to eco-management.

Systematic management enables us to ensure that all ecological components and all impacts on the environment are identified, monitored and in compliance with the legislation.


In line with the ISO 14001 environmental protection standard, the system is constantly subject to evaluation, changes and improvements. Constant monitoring and positive evaluation are a proof of Jamnica’s compliance with the standards regarding the protection of air, water, soil, waste and waste water, and the impacts are in line with the prescribed emission values indicated in national legislation and EU directives.

With the aim of lasting improvement, we organise numerous trainings and initiate various projects in order to determine the carbon footprint, energy and raw material efficiency, and achieve cleaner production. The projects are aimed at reducing significant environmental impact and they give us an insight into the impact we can reduce.


For the purpose of further economic development and the development of efficient environmental protection, we have certified our energy management system in line with the ISO 50001 standard. This is a global standard for energy management the purpose of which is to improve energy efficiency in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Policy.

By recognising and evaluating environmental and energy performances using adequate indicators, and by considering the entire life cycle (Life Cycle Assessment), we continuously work on the improvement of our environmental and energy management system.

The aim of our projects is to set an example of best practices with energy and raw material efficiency, achieve cleaner production using Low-Carbon technologies, and produce Carbon Neutral products.

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